Tag Archives: Twitter


Around 8 p.m. last night, I found myself on Twitter and noticed a ton of tweets that contained #runchat. (Read: hashtag runchat for you non-tweeters.) If you follow me on Twitter, you know my tweets are peppered with the #runchat.  Using a hashtag to categorize popular phrases makes these text snidbits more searchable, and it helps to better connect members who have similar interests.


Even though I use #runchat frequently, I hadn’t participated in a true chat prior to last night, which is exactly what I stumbled upon:  I checked Scott’s feed and realized the organized chat was up and running.

#Runchat takes place on the second and fourth Sunday of every month, and I’m already excited for the next one on the 23rd.  Here’s how it worked:  Scott and David, who moderated the chat, posed five questions throughout the hour, or one every 10 minutes or so; each participant answered the question and talked to other runners.  Plus, if we had any questions, we could ask those, too.

The guys came up with some great prompts, and my favorite was “who would be on your dream relay team?”

Too funny!  Instantly interacting with likeminded people was awesome.

It’s nice to know I’m not the only person obsessed with Ryan Gosling.

Going into the chat, I had no idea there would be a giveaway taking place.  However, the nine-o’clock hour brought a prize—I won a “Run All Night” package from Ragnar Relay!

Not a bad way to end my first-ever #runchat, right?

I’ve heard the package contains some pretty awesome swag—no complaints here!—and even though winning a prize is cool, I also enjoyed interacting, helping, and learning from other runners.  Most importantly, I left the chat feeling inspired, energized, and ready to take on my next run.  Thanks for hosting last night, Scott and David!  And thanks for sponsoring, Ragnar!


Before this morning’s swim-bike brick, I fueled up with a favorite combo.

Two Kashi waffles with almond butter and banana slices. (Plus two cups of coffee; I’m useless without caffeine!)

Workout – Swim-Bike Brick

In preparation for the DeRuyter Lake Triathlon, I’m amping up my training this week.  First, I hit the lake for a 30-minute OWS, and then ran into the garage for a makeshift transition.  After a quick wardrobe change—take off wetsuit, cap, goggles, and tri-top; put on socks and bike shirt—it was off to road for a 70-miute ride.  This was my second trip with the Bontrager Trip 5W, and I love it; it’s easy to use, and it’s helpful to have instant feedback.  Without it, I wouldn’t have known that I sped through in a school zone! (Why yes; I did clock 21 mph in a 20 mph area.)

Post-Workout Snack

The Paleo diet seems to be all the rage, and I’ve seen a ton of recipes for Paleo-friendly oatmeal, so I decided to give it a try today.  (The Paleo diet centers on what the first caveman ate:  wild plants and animals.  The modern version of this eating philosophy allows unprocessed foods like fish, meat, eggs, and nuts, while forbidding fare including dairy, grains, and legumes.  Here’s a great infographic from Greatist.) Good news—this dish is a keeper!

Basically, this is oatmeal without the oats; it contains egg whites, almond milk, half of a mashed banana, flaxseed, cinnamon, and vanilla extract.  I’m still tweaking the portions, so I’ll share my go-to mixture later this week.  This definitely has an acquired taste, and I can see how someone who loves regular oatmeal’s texture might not like this “oatless” version.  It also has serious staying power. (I wasn’t hungry for lunch until 2:30 p.m.)


My mom and I ran some errands this morning, and since we almost went to Chipotle for lunch, I knew exactly what my midday meal would look like once we were back at home.

After wilting some spinach in the microwave, I added a homemade black bean burger, red pepper slices, and some of my uncle’s hot peppers that were leftover from last night’s dinner.  This combo packed some serious zip.

Are you on Twitter?  Feel free to share your handle!  Have you ever participated in a Twitter chat?  Did you like it?